Case Studies
Radcliff v. State Farm
After a violent storm in Indiana caused over $1B in property damages, State Farm Insurance received ~50,000 claims for damage and rejected more than 7,000. Joseph Radcliff, an enterprising roofer who formed a company to repair damaged homes, was hired by 300 or so State Farm policyholders.
Miller UK vs. Caterpillar*
Miller had designed a “bug coupler” technology and was distributing its product through a licensing agreement with Caterpiller. Caterpillar created their own version of the “bug coupler” and cancelled the contract with Miller. This forced Miller to terminate 300 of its 400 employees.
Business Logic v. Ibbotson*
Business Logic (BL) was a small software company in Chicago with about 20 employees and annual revenue of $4 million. BL had contracted with Ibbotson Associates (IA) to build software infrastructure that allowed pension fund managers to manage their investments online.
Thwaytes vs. Sotheby’s*
The case concerned a professional negligence claim by Thwaytes against Sotheby’s, a global art auction house, relating to a painting believed, by some, to be an autograph work by Caravaggio. The Plaintiff had inherited the painting from a relative who was an avid art collector and …