Edward Truant Edward Truant

Gross v. Net Return Dispersion in Commercial Litigation Finance

A topic that invariably comes up in discussions is the common case of wide dispersion between gross and net returns in commercial litigation finance (this is not typically an issue within consumer litigation finance). It’s a problem that is somewhat unavoidable and somewhat explainable!

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Edward Truant Edward Truant

Managing Duration Risk in Litigation Finance (Part 2)

In the first article of this two-part series, I provided an overview of some of the issues related to duration in the litigation finance asset class. In this article, I discuss some of the ways in which investors can manage duration risk, both before they invest and after they have invested.

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Edward Truant Edward Truant

Managing Duration Risk in Litigation Finance (Part 1)

When you are speaking to an institutional investor about litigation, it doesn’t take long until the concept of “duration risk” enters the discussion. Everyone seems to have a story about that one piece of patent litigation or commercial dispute that went on for over a decade that seems to have marked them for life even though they weren’t in any way involved.

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Edward Truant Edward Truant

Innovation in Legal Finance (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this article, I introduced the concept of Event Driven Litigation Centric (EDLC) investing and started exploring some of the ways in which it differs from Commercial Litigation Finance (CLF) investing. In this article we will dive deeper into some case studies and discuss some of the relative benefits and the return attributes of the asset class.

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Edward Truant Edward Truant

Innovation in Legal Finance (Part 1)

As I interface with investors and fund managers in the legal finance market, I am constantly on the lookout for new investing strategies that can either provide a better risk-reward outcome than traditional legal finance investments, or add an element of ‘edge’.

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Edward Truant Edward Truant

Litigation Finance – Lessons Learned from Manager Under-Performance - Part 2

In part one of this two-part series, we explored the importance of partnerships and we started to discuss elements of portfolio construction.  In part two, we further delve into portfolio construction issues and then discuss the appropriateness of utilizing debt within the context of commercial litigation finance.

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Edward Truant Edward Truant

Litigation Finance – Lessons Learned from Manager Under-Performance - Part One

A number of years have passed since the commercial litigation finance industry was established in the UK, USA & Australia (the more mature markets of the global industry), and so I thought it appropriate to reflect on some of the lessons learned within the industry to extract insights both for investors and fund managers.

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May 2022 Edward Truant May 2022 Edward Truant

Should Law Firms Steer Clients to Litigation Funders – or Steer Clear of the Funding Process?

With some law firms now entering contractual “tie-up” or “best friends” arrangements with favored funders, we thought this an opportune time to consider the law firm’s proper role in the litigation funding process.  

This article will explore common but unexamined efforts by law firms to deal with funders, the practical challenges posed and suggest a preferred approach for law firms and their clients.

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Edward Truant Edward Truant

‘Secondary’ Investing in Litigation Finance (Part 2 of 2)

In part 1 of this article I explored some of the basic concepts of secondary investing, specifically in the context of the commercial litigation finance asset class. This article continues the discussion and explores some of the unique aspects and characteristic of the ‘tail’ of a litigation finance portfolio, why now is a particularly good time for secondary transactions and other investment considerations with respect to secondary investing.

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Edward Truant Edward Truant

‘Secondary’ Investing in Litigation Finance

In my discussions with litigation finance institutional investors, the topic of secondary investments has been raised a number of times by those who understand the economics of the asset class and are seeking to take advantage of some of the longer duration cases and portfolios in existence. In this article, I explore why there is interest in the secondary market, why now, and how best to approach investing in secondary investments, as well as some watch-outs.

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Edward Truant Edward Truant

Intellectual Property Private Credit (Part 2 of 2)

In the first part of this two-part series, the relatively nascent asset class of Intellectual Property Private Credit (“IP Credit”) was introduced. That article explored the basic premise of the asset class, discussed some of the financiers in the space and reviewed some of the nuances inherent in the asset class. In this part, we take all of the knowledge gained in part one and apply it to a specific example by exploring a publicly traded company, which used IP Credit on a couple of different occasions with great success.

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Edward Truant Edward Truant

Intellectual Property Private Credit (Part 1 of 2)

One of the areas in which I am intrigued, is the application of credit to intellectual property (“IP”) and using the value of patents (amongst other forms of intellectual property) as security for the loan, the so-called Intellectual Property Private Credit (“IP Credit”) asset class. While this is strictly speaking a credit asset class as you will see from this article, it sits adjacent to and sometimes crosses over with commercial litigation finance.

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Edward Truant Edward Truant

Investor – Beware Outliers!

In the past, I have written about the importance of diversification, the applicability of portfolio theory (articles one, two & three), and the perils of fund concentration; but I also believe that investors in the asset class should understand the perils of relying on outliers to drive fund performance.

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Edward Truant Edward Truant

Investor Watch-Outs in the Commercial Litigation Finance Asset Class. Beware gross case returns as an indicator of manager performance

I recently moderated Litigation Finance Journal’s digital conference entitled Investor Insights into Litigation Funding, and the panelists delivered a clear message that the asset class needs to be more transparent.  Accordingly, I decided to pen this article to explore the more opaque aspects of the asset class and the reasons underlying that opacity, and what this means for investors, as well as provide some “watch-outs” for those looking to invest in the industry. 

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Edward Truant Edward Truant

Litigation Finance Specialization: Focus on Public Sector Entities

In Part 1 of this two-part series, I compared litigation finance to private equity (i.e. leveraged buy-out) and the deployment problem endemic to litigation finance and the impact it has on the effective cost of management fees. In Part 2, I drill deeper into the operating costs inherent in running a litigation finance strategy.

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Edward Truant Edward Truant

Intersection of Litigation Finance and Patent Litigation

Over the past few years, I have noticed a distinct change in the appetite of litigation funders when it comes to getting involved in patent litigations. It used to be the case that patent litigation was viewed negatively by the litigation funding community…

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Edward Truant Edward Truant

“Edge” for Litigation Finance Managers

In the capital markets industry, there is a concept referred to as “edge”, which can be defined as any legal form of information, insight or proprietary process or knowledge which an investor possesses that allows him or her to outperform peers and generate alpha.

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